Architect Charles Gwathemy

The other day at Sprout I was asked to make a terrarium for a renowned architect who recently passed away,Charles Gwathemy.
While putting my plants and miniatures perfectly in place I began racking my brain back to my Architectural History days with Dr. David Gobel. Thoughts to one of the more painful courses in Architectural Theory and Criticism-then it came back to me...
Gwathemy mostly built homes for high profile clients in the Hamptons, but my favorite remains the place he built for is parents in Amagansett
His firm built the ICP
Last, and most controversial of projects was the condo he built on Astor Place.
A sense of relief over took me when I realized that not only would I never sit in another class of Dr. Gobel's, but that this architect would be unable to criticize my humble terrarium because he's dead.
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