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Lu Lu Love-Seat 

For those of you who have been over to my place lately you have heard about this piece of furniture, this is my love seat. My husband refers to it as  "we need to get rid of thing.”

I’m not going to lie, I found this sofa for the biggest deal of all - free.  On a cold rainy March night I saw it next to the trash in front of the National Arts Club. In my drunken blur I was certain this was a beautiful piece. People get drunken goggles towards people, I’ve developed one for furniture.

By sheer will I dragged this sofa the two blocks and up two flights of stairs. It was something similar to when you hear those stories about an accident and someone picks up the car to save a life, “jaws of life” sort of thing.

For fear of the dreaded bed bug, have you read this article??  I stripped all the upholstery & stuffing, bleached the remaining frame & springs before I brought it in. Yes, I stripped a sofa at 3AM in my buildings entryway.

I thought I would get really overzealous and attempt to reupholster this piece myself, but decided to leave it to the experts.

The one extra DIY’ing effort is I will go directly to the source and get my fabric in Rome. I leave this week. After reading about this place Fratelli Bassetti Tessuti in the NY times I'm hooked.  With virtually no fluency in Italian I will dive into a sea of color and texture in an attempt to by the most luxurious Italian fabric for our love seat 

 My husband rolls his eyes at me but secretly must love it? After all this will be my honeymoon gift. 


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Reader Comments (2)

I think this is a FABULOUS idea! I was so excited for you when you found the sofa.. good luck finding the perfect fabric and have a blast in ITALY!!! xoxo

June 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterapril

I really love that love seat!!!! It is a combination of the old meets the new. And with the exceptional design of Lea Blum, it should be in Architectural Digest.

June 18, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersean paul

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