
"Young at heart" the phrase may be cliché but it pretty much sums up my time out west with mom.
I could go on about the Clifford Still Museum in Denver and the fact that this slick museum for one artist has 15 years worth of rotations (that's what the guard said and lets face it they know best) or the James Turrell show and discovering artist Scott Johnson, can I be one step closer to Roden Crater please? but for now that would be sidetracking from the semi-important point i'm going to make.
When mom calls to tell you she's bringing you out for her Ikebana flower show you do as you are told. Yes, I may be a florist, but with zero experience in this style of arranging mama was there to show me how. Yeah it could be a bit of a stretch.. but what the heck.
Silly little square I turned out to be! Her rad accomplished friend has a geodescent dome! (which I would love to remind you from this POST) The husband is one heck of a beeman too! Loaded with this newfound hive knowledge I showed it by eating a bit of the pollen the drones collected from its hairy hind legs. It tasted sweet and pasty, no allergies for me!
I'm not sure what my parents were trying to prove but this over the hill gang is totally living full throttle. Don't mean to brag...much but my gal pal and I got to be co-pilots in steddad Jack's high fly ride!
Clearly one of the cooler experiences, gulping our enthusiasim the focus of the flight was on more somber pretenses to see the damage from the recent fires in Colorado Springs. Over 6,200 acers burned and 300 homes where lost, meanwhile six other fires blazed throughout Colorado. Some caused from lightning, many from arson. The state is scarred and saddened from it all. We may be young(ish) with teeny spans of cyber attention but this again puts nature in clear perspective.
So there you have it.. mom showed me how it's done. Keeping up in the plane, hiking her trails, sea legging it on serious sail excursions and growing those plump tomatoes. Sure the woman has a knack for the thrill, life of the party too, but she is far from careless and sweet as can be. I sure do love my mama!
"Wild at heart" is the other phrase that suits you. The full gallery of photos can be seen HERE

Reader Comments (2)
I Love you too, Elaine!!! And you, LeeLee. It's always wonderful and inspiring to spend time with both of you. Now back to work at nurturing my own imperfect hobbies. Xoxo.
jet setter! looking forward to my turn with you!