Manhattan Beach, CA

I'm back with glimmers of inspiration captured before they fade.
A couple weeks spent in a different kind of Manhattan, the beach kind near Los Angeles, California.
Summer has come to a close and September is here with the demand to refocus with life's tasks at hand. Farewell to the sound of sea while drifting to sleep, morning caffeine replaced with cold jolting dips in the Pacific. It takes commitment to put on a wet suit and drag a board out each day and rewards like a job well done, great work without pay.
Suppose anywhere one goes a complaint can be heard, I scoffed when overhearing a couple of daft LA women complain of humid weather. In such a place?! Not a bug in sight! Best hair days of my life in California!
Yet the bed is too firm back home, a reminder that life in the city never gets comfortable, neither do the narrow spaces in which we inhabit. Mental sorting and simplifying of lifes clutter, we trick our nervous belly butterlies into exciting challenges and recharge from the fruits of our labor to welcome a new fight.
Slight changes bring smiles, the scaffolding is gone from the building next door, the roses have rebloomed and the cool breeze has our windows open giving the sputtering AC a break. A stack of party invitations and familiar faced hellos welcome us home.

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